Someone else once shared This Sunrise, Before going off to War
Had a moment of Peace and Serenity, Before knocking on Heaven's Door
The date marked here 76 years past, Of a time that's Nevermore
Look a little closer. You'll find three bullets within
Let us not forget, the World's most deadly Sin
Yet I watch the very same sunrise and forget them I do not
Nor do I wound with bullets, tree nor soldiers Smock
by Charles Cannon
These beautiful words were written by Charles Cannon, inspired by a grove of trees within Ransom Wood. The trees, in an almost perfect circle, contain bullet holes and graffiti including initials and dates from the Second World War. It is easy to imagine soldiers taking a break there during their training in the woods, leaning on the trees and contemplating what was to come.
This site is one of the places we will be investigating using archaeological surveys as part of our National Lottery Heritage Fund project "Spirit of Wartime Sherwood". If you would like to learn new skills, get out in the countryside and work with professional archaeologists, get in touch at susie.mcgraw@sherwoodforesttrust.org.uk to join our community volunteer team :)
Thank you to Charles for the words and photographs